IECacheViewer Basic Crack With Key Free To be used as a general Internet Explorer cache manager. IECacheViewer can handle various types of files such as documents, images, applications and cookies. IECacheViewer has a user-friendly interface and a search feature which make it easy to find the cache files you need. IECacheViewer also supports the following functions: ■ Search function. ■ Categorized review list. ■ Sort cache list. ■ Display function. ■ Properties dialog. ■ Delete function. ■ Copy function. IECacheViewer Basic Crack Mac features: ■ Categorized review list. ■ Sort cache list. ■ Display function. ■ Properties dialog. ■ Delete function. ■ Copy function. ■ Search function. Install IECacheViewer Basic Crack Free Download: The link above contains the download files for this program. Click the Download button to download and install the program. After the installation, run IECacheViewer.exe. You will see the main window, search and data management window. You can choose to display the main window, search and data management window or open the Internet Explorer. How to open the window (main/search/data management) Click the blue button (display/main/search/data management) in the toolbar. To open the Internet Explorer click the green button (Open IE) in the toolbar. To open the tab bar of the Internet Explorer, click the tab. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the tab bar and select the window you wish to open from the list. In this way, you can open the main window, search window and data management window. How to open the Internet Explorer. Click on the blue button (Open IE) in the toolbar. You will see the Internet Explorer main window. You can choose to open the tab bar in the Internet Explorer. Select the window you wish to open. In this way, you can open the main window, search window and data management window. To open the search window, click the magnifying glass icon in the tab bar and select the search window from the list. In this way, you can open the search window. To open the data management window, click the magnifying glass icon in the tab bar and select the data management window IECacheViewer Basic Download [Win/Mac] ■ IECacheViewer Basic can help you manage your Internet Explorer cache (temporary pages and files downloaded from internet). Besides reviewing capability, it provides the functions to search, copy and delete cache contents. The Basic Edition is free, you can upgrade to Advanced Edition from Basic Edition. Usage: ■ Collecting documents, images, etc. ■ Researching applications (script, css files, etc) embedded in the document. ■ Checking where, what and when the user of the computer (like family members, friends) visited the Internet. ■ Managing cookie files, finding out their content and who created them. You can delete them if you want. Here are some key features of "IECacheViewer Basic": ■ Categorized review list. IECacheViewer allows you to browse cache items by their types like document/Image/Application/Cookie, etc. ■ Display function. It explicitly shows the cache item in the preview panel. ■ Properties dialog. It allows you to check detailed information of a cache item. ■ Sort cache list. It lets you sort the list by simply clicking on list head (URL/Access Time/Hit Rate/File Size). ■ Search function. It helps you find cache items using keywords, categories and date constraint ■ Copy function. It allows you to copy cache files to specified folder. ■ Delete function. It lets you delete selected cache items or delete all cache items. Requirements: ■ Window 95/98/Me/2000/XP ■ IE 5 or up Limitations: ■ this will install the advanced edition but after 7 days it will downgrade to the basic version ============================================================ NOTE: This tool is for IE only. You cannot use this tool in other browsers. ============================================================ Grupa onelokupan 1 Day 10, Januari 2003 Version 1.00 - 2002.01.19 - IECacheViewer Basic IECacheViewer is a one-day program to help you manage Internet Explorer cache (temporary pages and files downloaded from internet). Besides reviewing capability, it provides the functions to search, copy and delete cache contents. The Basic Edition is free, you can upgrade to Advanced Edition from Basic Edition. Usage: Collecting documents, images, etc Researching applications (script, css files, etc) embedded in the document. Checking where, what and when the user of the computer (like family members, friends) visited the Internet. Managing cookie 8e68912320 IECacheViewer Basic Free Download [Updated] ■ Using single or multiple rules, it can be used to execute macros without opening Visual Basic Editor. ■ It supports to execute macros by double clicking on macro link or use the special keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Enter". ■ Pressing Enter key in macro list window and press a key on your keyboard will execute the selected macro. ■ Key mapping macros support. It allows you to define your own macros or to use built-in macros. ■ Macro list can be displayed full screen or minimized to tray. ■ With QuickMacroEditor, you can edit and save macros (keys or text). ■ You can select to display the macro list on start up. ■ It will install an icon on your taskbar. Installation: ■ just double click on "Setup.exe" in IECacheViewer Basic Configure IECacheViewer: ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Set password for the new user account ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Change the "Register Macro Key" and the "Default Macro Key" values ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Change the "Shortcut Key" value if needed ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Enable the "Show on the Taskbar" ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Use a new user account name and password ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Choose the "Toolbar Icon" ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Choose the "Icon on the Taskbar" ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Set the "Copy Location" value to your desired location ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Set the "Icon Location" value to your desired location ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Set the "Path to QuickMacroEditor.exe" value to the "program files" folder of your computer ■ Right click on IECacheViewer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Set the "Path to What's New in the IECacheViewer Basic? System Requirements For IECacheViewer Basic: Minimum: OS: Processor: RAM: Video Card: DirectX: Network: Storage: Hard Disk space: Graphics card: Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit): Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor 1 GB RAM (recommended) Windows 7 64-bit: 2 GB RAM (recommended) Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit):
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